A holiday weekend. Martin has come to visit. And he’s brought his camera! We decided Matthaei Botanical Gardens would be a good place to see. They had a great display of flowers at the gardens proper, but for some reason no
»Archive of journal entries re "University of Michigan"
Some years, like this one, photography can slow down after the drama of all that autumnal show. While in a couple of months these temperatures will be welcomed as warm, when the temperature first starts to cool then we experience it as cold. Add to that overcast, blank, skies, »
Today was the day of the open house at the new C.S. Mott Children’s Hospital. Wow, there were a lot of people there! You could get to see most floors but not everywhere on any floor. There was a lot o waiting at elevators. We left after looking round »
Wow! Just heard from one of the interior designers at the new Mott hospital; they need more prints & want to use almost all the photographs from my DVD: “We REALLY liked them”. »
There had been talk the last week or so that they would need a few more images after all for the new Mott and I heard today that they wanted to make second prints of my 4 images. Still sounds good to me. Patrick (Young) is doing the printing, using Epson Premium Lustre (that’s for prints of photographs; prints of reproductions of artwork are being done on Epson Enhanced Matte). The prints are in the range of 16 x 20 inch. »
Heard today from Patrick (Young) that 4 of my photographs have been selected to be prints for the new C.S. Mott Children’s Hospital. Not entirely sure who did the actual selection; I know Patrick is handling the printing, and there is someone who owns a framing shop, and then there are two interior designers who work for UMHS. I had provided them 36 images on a DVD to select from. Considering how late I was getting into the selection process, having 4 selected is fabulous. »
I had coffee last week with Patrick (Young) to review photographing Martha Keller’s art for a book project we are discussing with her. Afterwards I sent him a link to my website (still showing my initial sample of 12 photographs). Yesterday he wrote that he was working on a project to provide art work for the new Mott Children’s and Women’s Hospital at UMHS, and that he would like to include some of my photographs – sounds good to me! »