Here are two photos that show that getting the conditions right, particularly the light and also the timing, deeply affects the impact of a photo.
In this first example, the light is actually OK. I suspect though that the composition would work so much better if there had been absolutely no breeze, so that the water in the middle distance was both still and most importantly maintained the reflection all the way.
In this second photo, what I was actually hoping for was to see a bird at the top of the stick, and for the sunlight to be hitting the stick, indeed the whole of the bird feeder. I had set my camera up outside, and was inside with the camera remote app on my phone. Sitting waiting for a bird to take up the desired pose proved a huge drain on all the batteries involved, so I couldn’t do it very long. And besides, I never saw the illumination I wanted.
I’ve kept my eyes open, and it is proving hard to find the right light, on the whole scene. There was one time I thought I had it, rushed to set up the camera, and by the time I was done it had gone. Oh well, I do now know of some times of day to try, and I will again.