The last few days we’ve been over on the west side of the state, staying at our friend’s family’s farmhouse. It rained most of the way there, and most of the first day; whereas I’d been managing a page or two of the book I was reading about coyotes in the weeks before, I was able to read a few chapters! We were hoping to go for a hike, but when there was finally a pause in the rain, Jill was too stiff and sore from all the sitting, so I just took a short walk with my camera down the road that goes past the farm.
I’ve been at this pond before, for example, and while I’m not sure it’s always this green, it always has something interesting going on. This time my eye was caught by the branches on the far side, and I’ve tried to make them stand out in the photograph as well.

The next morning, before we went into St Jospeh for brunch and headed to Grand Rapids to meet friends and head home, I took another quick walk along the lane. It always amazes me the way roads in Michigan can suddenly continue unpaved for a while before emerging at the “other end” and resume being paved. I guess it is almost as amazing how UPS vans can equally go anywhere (you can’t see the postholes around the corner here).
On this trip I had lots of opportunities to experiment with using the tilt capabilities in my camera system. I think the first photograph has, and succeeded – I know I need to find a better way to keep notes on what I get up to when out photographing!