I got a confusing email from Scotrail this morning, re cancellations, so I wondered about leaving here early. The Inn let me use their phone to call Scotrail, and they said Kyle to Inverness should stay open today, and be normal tomorrow, but no guarantee, check again tomorrow; I stayed.

There are cancellations today on Inverness to Wick but I can worry about that on Saturday (supposed to be ok by then).
The news said there were 1,000 vehicles stuck overnight, up to 15 hours, on the M80!

No snow here; sunny, clear. I was able to hike over the peninsular to a little cove (they called it a beach, but I didn’t) and was able to get views over to the Cuillins on Skye. After a snack, I followed a trail the opposite way west along Loch Carron, sometimes lost in the trees, sometimes with the loch, even the railway, in sight. Seems I tried a lot of photos today that didn’t work (like not managing focus).

Went back into Plockton to the local store (which is also a nice-looking restaurant) for a coffee – I know places in Scotland that do fabulous coffee, but this wasn’t one. The Inn where I’m staying does excellent food. I went around the other side of town to check out the sun setting from above a small cove.