The hotel at Garvault is claimed to be the most remote in the UK. So if you are forever stopping to take photos along the way, you are likely to arrive late. All the more wondrous that I did not know the owner planned to have all guests sit down to the evening meal together, at the same time, (indeed, I was not expecting to eat at all) but he said it would be no problem for me to go out again and take advantage of the sunset (see below). Needless to say the meal and the company were excellent.

The day started on the A9 and although I wasn’t sure what, if anything, there would be to see there, I stopped at a broch and had a fascinating explore (see above).
Before I had lunch at Helmsdale, I had an explore down at the shoreline and was impressed to see a couple of surfers working to get the most out of the waves.

Along the road to Kinbrace, there were lots of opportunities to take photos around the River Helmsdale. (Update: one of them has since gained recognition from the Scottish Nature Photography Awards).
One of the reasons I was keen to head out again when I got to Garvault was that after Kinbrace, I didn’t make any more stops, being more concerned as to whether I was on the right road and would actually make it to Garvault by a civilized time.