There was a time when I was really concerned with detail, with sharpness, in my photographs. With my first digital camera, it didn’t have too many pixels, and I found that frustrating. Many years later I discovered the issue was really more with the software, and reworking those files »
Archive of journal entries re "focus"
My 75mm lens never even made it into my bag for Connemara, even though last year it had been one of my most used lenses. I wanted to take my 90mm and I didn’t think I had room for both. It was OK. And although my 90mm is what »
We have a large chrysanthemum plant sitting on the back deck. It must be one of the biggest, of its type, that I can recall seeing. I have been helping my friend Patrick getting a few lenses repaired and so I have more than the usual number sitting around home at the moment, »
I think I’ve been struggling a long time with focus: where to place it in the scene; how much of the scene to get in focus. Now I realize I might have given more weight to concerns over diffraction than it warrants and not enough to what I am »