This is a voyage of discovery, just what can be done. We haven’t seen our friend Melanie for over 5 years, since she and her family moved back to Vancouver. We’ve tried to meet a few times over the years, but something always crops up. Even this time, I »
Archive of journal entries re "amtrak"
We hadn’t originally planned to rent a car in Eugene, since the trip was envisaged as being car free, unless we were with friends or family. Hence we returned the car and took the Amtrak from Eugene to Portland. The Willamette Valley is quite flat, though you can see »
I have added a new gallery to my Americas website, Scene from the Train.
This follows a conversation I had last year with a friend where I was mentioning how much I enjoy long train rides, on Amtrak no less, and especially taking photographs »
This may just be the result of another long, cold winter, but I can see that I have not been out with my camera very much, and I have the sense that I am not because nothing is calling to me to be photographed. Something I read about regularly »