I didn’t use my camera in December 2014. I don’t know when I last went a whole month without. No sooner was Thanksgiving over, than Jill had her surgery, and so all my focus was on caring for and supporting her as she recovered. The New Year arrives, and I am determined to make a picture, but as you can see, it was already getting dark when I managed it. Seems I am already out of practice, so I will have to keep this up now!
»Archive of journal entries re "Photographing"
A couple of weeks back, I decided to take a hike through town, and beyond, with the goal of enjoying a nice winter’s day, and maybe getting to make some photographs. I was thinking I would go to the Broadway Bridge and head East along the Huron River, past »
I have started reading Landscape Beyond: A Journey into Photography by David Ward. I’ve had it a few years now, but seemingly never read it when it arrived – I guess this is the problem with buying books online; by the time they’ve arrived, the original impetus might be »
This is my first picture of the year. For the second time in less than a week, we were a getting a major snow storm. I was out at about 8pm doing my last shovel of the day, before leaving the snow to its own devices overnight