Sigma dust and snow
After taking three weeks with the first clean, Sigma got my camera back in less than a week on the second – back last Friday. Thanks to the weather, I didn’t have a chance to check how clean the sensor was. Last Saturday afternoon I had a walk round the block to take some photos, all of them blurry – some good blurry). But. I discovered that there was a new problem – sometimes when I press the button, the shutter would activate as if to take a photo and the viewfinder would go and stay dim, but no photo. And. Once it locked up, and I had to remove the battery.
Sunday morning, after helping Jill get somethings into the office, I went wandabout, even though it was snowing. 119 exposures, though some were variations on composition/exposure. This is one I like the look of, from the Diag, though this is the jpeg straight off the camera (extracted from the raw).
Monday the sky was clear, so I took a shot to test the sensor, and there are a lot of dust spots. Now I have to wonder what to do. It seems like they will never get it clean, so why keep sending it to them.